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Services and Solutions

We're here to help, and offer a variety of services:
  • Greenfield Development

  • Optimization & Modernization

  • Bug Fixing

  • Architecture and Code Reviews

  • Speaking & Training

  • Retainer Services

Optimization and Codebase Review/Improvement

With our background in games and simulation, we know that every microsecond counts, and every millisecond is an eternity. With decades of optimization experience, our engineers are called in for the best in CPU optimization, architecture review, stability improvements, and concurrency analysis.


Our team excels at reviewing, improving, optimizing, and modernizing codebases, ensuring your systems are robust, future-ready, and performant. We specialize in identifying and resolving inefficiencies that could be hindering your system's performance.


Our optimization services span every language. While our experience is primarily in C++, we have optimized in many languages, including C++, C#, Golang, Java, JavaScript, Python, and more. We've optimized domains such as finance, gaming, simulation, cloud, science, AI, and more.


Real-World Examples

  • Microsecond Precision: When microseconds matter, our experts can optimize your code to operate at the highest level of precision and efficiency.

  • Memory Management: If memory thrashing is affecting your system's stability and performance, we fine-tune memory allocation and management to prevent stalls and ensure smooth operation. In C++, we can track every new/delete, malloc, and free with stacks to show where pools and other optimization techniques would be most effective.

  • Thread Contention: Invisible thread contention can cause unexpected stalls and degrade performance. Our team identifies and resolves these issues, ensuring that your multi-threaded applications run seamlessly.

  • Pipeline Optimization: What is the speed of your key pipeline? Our engineers have spent years in AAA gaming, where every microsecond matters.

Our Approach

  1. Comprehensive Code Reviews: We start with thorough code reviews to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Our detailed analysis ensures that no stone is left unturned.

  2. Performance Tuning: Using advanced profiling tools and techniques, we report on performance bottlenecks and fine-tune your code to achieve optimal performance. From algorithm optimization to memory and concurrency fixes, we cover all bases.

  3. Modernization: We help modernize your codebase by adopting the latest industry standards and best practices, improving performance and ensuring maintainability and future-proofing.

  4. Testing and Validation: Rigorous testing and validation are integral to our process. We ensure that all optimizations are thoroughly tested to deliver stable and bug-free performance improvements. Often, we will demonstrate both the old and new systems in place, showing the performance difference and results parity.


Decades of Leadership and Innovation

Our team brings decades of leadership and innovation in simulation and AAA game development. From writing RTS, RPG, FPS, City Builder, and Serious Games to developing card games, our expertise spans a wide range of genres and platforms.


Our published articles on pathfinding, graphics, animation, and other critical game development topics are a testament to our deep knowledge and commitment to advancing the industry.


Highlighted in our greenfield development, we're very experienced in writing custom simulation and game engines from scratch. If you're looking for something different, and to have your unique simulation or gameplay not bound by existing engines, greenfield is a good choice. We write these engines performant, data-driven, flexible, and we write them very quickly.


Expertise in Simulation and Gaming

Our team excels in the latest gaming and simulation techniques, including:

  • Entity Component System (ECS): We utilize ECS architectures to build scalable and maintainable game systems. Entt is the library of choice for us in C++. This is leveraged by several big games, include Minecraft.

  • Modern Engines: Our team is experienced in working in all modern engines, from Unreal Engine 5.0 and Unity to custom engines. We've even built/presented to CEOs of the biggest game companies, showing how their technology can take advantage of future hardware or differing approaches.

  • Tactical AI and Computer Player Agent AI: We create intelligent and adaptive AI systems that enhance gameplay and provide challenging opponents.

  • Interoperability of Simulations (HLA): We implement HLA to enable interoperability and reusable simulations across different platforms and domains.

  • Deterministic and Stochastic Simulations: Our expertise includes both deterministic simulations, ensuring reproducible outcomes, and stochastic simulations, providing realistic variability.

  • Machine Learning: We build our simulations and games for rapid replay, scaling vertically and horizontally to maximize training repetitions used in external Machine Learning agent AI.


Incorporating Real-World Data

We incorporate real-world data to build geodetically accurate worlds and digital twins, enhancing the realism and immersion of our simulations. By integrating real-time data streams, we create dynamic and responsive environments that reflect real-world changes and conditions.


Creating and Enhancing Simulation Engines

Our team specializes in creating and enhancing simulation engines, delivering advanced, tailored solutions that set industry standards. Whether developing new engines or optimizing existing ones, we ensure they are robust, performant, and future-ready.


Real-World Examples
  • Geodetically Accurate Worlds: Using real-world geographical data, we create simulations that mirror actual locations with high precision, ideal for training, education, and entertainment purposes.

  • Digital Twins: We develop digital twins of physical systems, enabling real-time monitoring, analysis, and optimization of real-world processes.

  • Real-Time Data Integration: By incorporating real-time data streams, our simulations can adapt to live inputs, providing up-to-date and realistic experiences.


Our Approach

  • Comprehensive Analysis and Planning: We begin with a detailed analysis of your requirements and objectives, ensuring we fully understand your needs.

  • Innovative Design and Development: Our team designs and develops cutting-edge solutions, leveraging the latest technologies and methodologies.

  • Performance Optimization: We optimize every aspect of the simulation engine and game code to ensure peak performance and stability.

  • Rigorous Testing and Validation: We conduct extensive testing and validation to ensure our solutions meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.

  • Future Proofing: Being data-driven, cross-platform, and modern, we use modern architectural approaches and make products and codebases ready for the future.


Greenfield Development

At Tech 52 Studios, we often hear from even the largest companies: "We can't afford (or don't have the expertise) to build something totally new." As a result, many try to adapt existing technologies to meet their needs. We understand these challenges and offer our expertise to help in this endeavor.


However, to truly stand out, a project often needs a fresh perspective and innovative solutions.


Our Expertise

We specialize in creating visionary technologies from the ground up. While we excel in modernizing and improving existing engines, our true strength lies in building custom solutions that bring your unique vision to life.


Our Achievements
  • Distributed, Cloud-Based Simulation Engines: Harness the power of distributed computing to tackle complex simulations.

  • Game Engines: Develop cutting-edge game engines tailored to your specific needs.

  • Mobile Apps: Create a variety of mobile applications to engage users on the go.

  • Home-Based Distributed Clouds: Enable all your home devices to work together seamlessly on distributed tasks.


Advanced Solutions


We build distributed, headless engines that communicate via networked data streams (REST, flatbuffers, GRPC, etc.), and utilize visual clients in Unreal, Unity, or Typescript with Babylon 3D for browser-based visualizations.


Why Choose Us?

Choosing Tech 52 Studios means leveraging our expertise to build something truly unique and impactful. We ensure that your project not only meets your current needs but also positions you for future success.

Real-World Examples
  • Personal Home Clouds: We've built a distributed home-based cloud system where "jobs" are distributed and executed throughout your local network using all available compute power. This includes custom servers and clients for iPhones, iPads, PCs, Macs, and more, all contributing to the overall compute of a distributable task.


  • Simulation and Game Engines: We've developed several cross-platform simulation and game engines in modern C++ for a variety of clients, ensuring high performance and flexibility.​


Our Approach

  • Careful Understanding of Your Needs: We start by listening and collaborating closely with you to tailor solutions to your specific needs, ensuring a clear plan for the domains/problems you're aiming to solve.

  • Build a Plan: Whether using existing engines like Unreal or Unity, or creating something new, we evaluate the use of open-source libraries where applicable to accelerate development, crafting a detailed plan and roadmap to success.

  • Product Development: We architect, build, and lead the development process. If you have an existing team, we can advise, lead, or contribute as needed. Often, we take charge of the entire project, utilizing our resources and/or your team, while providing training and knowledge transfer along the way.

  • Quality/Validation: Throughout development, we employ rigorous methodologies to ensure the highest quality products, customer satisfaction, and zero bugs.

  • Documentation/Training: We provide thorough documentation, with monthly progress reports, risk assessments, and more. We also offer training when applicable, ensuring you fully understand the engines/products we build.

  • Maintenance: We don't just code and run. We offer long-term maintenance agreements to ensure the longevity and reliability of your products, providing a solid foundation for future growth.


Your success is our success.


Retainer Services

We don't just code and go. Building a solid, lasting relationship where we get a deep understanding of your needs, and you develop a deep trust in us is important.


Sometimes you aren't in need or at the point where you are ready for a lot of development. Perhaps what you need is some advisement or expert guidance along the way. 


Our retainer services provide you with continuous access to our expertise, ensuring your systems remain at the cutting edge of performance, stability, and innovation. We offer flexible retainer packages tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring you have the support and resources required to achieve your goals.


Strategic Planning and Roadmapping


  • Future-Proofing: We work with you to develop a strategic roadmap for future developments, ensuring your systems are scalable, flexible, and ready for future challenges.

  • Risk Management: Identify and mitigate potential risks with our comprehensive risk assessment and management strategies.

  • Innovation and R&D: Stay ahead of the curve with our continuous research and development efforts, bringing you innovative solutions and keeping you informed of the latest industry trends.

Why Choose Our Retainer Services?
Long-Term Partnership
  • We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients, providing consistent support and working closely with you to achieve your goals.

Expertise Across Domains
  • Our team’s extensive experience across various industries, including gaming, finance, simulation, and AI, ensures we can address a wide range of challenges and deliver solutions that drive success

Proven Track Record
  • With decades of experience and a proven track record of successful projects, you can trust us to deliver high-quality, reliable, and innovative solutions.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Our retainer packages are flexible and can be customized to meet your specific needs and budget, providing you with the right level of support when you need it.



Your success is our success.

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